Thursday, March 4, 2010

I am happy just being with U

I hate the journey back from work..

Traffic jams... seeing weird people... smelling B.O. from the people all around me..

I get hungry very fast.. infact i'm starving while trying to bear all the obstacles just to meet hubby at home.

Burrp.. burpp.. burpp..

That is what i always get if i do not fill up my stomach when it called for food.. soon it came with a major headaches..

Hubby was rubbing my back.. I felt like vomiting but nothing came out..
MasyAllah how does every mother overcome this phenomenon?
I'm getting dizzy and dizzy.. hubby told me to rest.. I laid down on my bed..

5 minutes after that he asked me to have dinner first in the kitchen.. I know.. I have to eat no matter what happens..

Lo & behold I saw a cute florescent pink cake at the dining table saying "Congratulation on your pregnancy".. He even cooked for me fried rice and finished it off with garnishes on top of it!

felt like crying but I am too happy to cry..

Abang.. u never failed to show your loves towards me.. I love u.. InsyAllah I would not stop trying to be the best wife for u.. Ameen!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Stress, mother of all illnesses

Have u ever heard of quote saying.."a bit of pressure is healthy"?

sometimes a bit of pressure can leads to major stress..

I'm worried for myself and my unborn baby..

stress is unevitable in my working line (teaching)..

yes, i'm talking about major stress..

It's really hard to control my emotion especially when I am dead tired...

I tend to cry.. wails... sulks.. shout.. and even throw things..

Even my husband worried for me if I am in that condition..

and aftr the tantrums that i've done, i will regret it big time..

crying.. crying.. crying..

Astaghfirullah hal azim..

I am seeing it only now (in my pregnancy state)

bcoz i really could not control my fatigue and hunger during this time..

11 hrs of working on saturday really tested my patient in teaching and controlling the classes..

Hopefully there are somene out there willing to share thir experience n how to control the level of stress..

i tell u phrases like:

"it is only on saturday (1 day) which u r working in longer hours compare to me who works 8-5 in 5x per week is not going to work on me"

"u can control stress" don't just say it, teach me..

I tell u even u r working longer hours than me u r sitting down all way, without having a single word to talk..

please understand me.. i have 4 classes on saturday compare to the other days..having more than 30 people to control while teaching them to understand subject which is they have no interest at all.. shouting my throat out..standing all the way.. even they senses my present in front of class they tend to ignore my lesson every 15 minutes.. please don't compare me with people who works in offices..