Monday, January 11, 2010

Living a jovial life~ alhamdulillah

Praise to Almighty~

I'm living a blissful life with my love one..

Hubby has been very supporting, helping me adapting with the changes around me..

I've settle down in a new home nearby a mosque, tiring yet satisfied by the new enviroment.. thanx Abg!
Alhamdulillah my majlis went smoothly, there were a few hiccups behind the scene of the majlis, i guess it's part and parcel of life that we just have to deal with it!
I would like to share this moment to express my gratitude in my blog!
Firstly, thank u papa n mama who has been striving hard for me, planning, saving, forking out their piggy bank, helping out hunting and recruiting manpower for the event! hardworking parents! hopefully i can follow both of your footsteps one day! InsyAllah.

Secondly, to my beloved mak anjang and her family! thanx for sharing your concerns and ideas before and after the event! eventhough u r my aunt but u look like the bride's mother on that day! i love u! thnx anjang! and pak anjang who was being trick by a prankster (cik Mila) via a prank phone call which was on air at WARNA.FM! stressful moment for u! really sorry on behalf of cik Mila!

Next, Special thanx to all my uncles and aunties!! u r my saviors!! working really hard in the kitchen for the saturday meals! my amazing aunt which is Wak Wok, Wak Ani and cik Mina!! thanx for being the iron chefs on my big day! May Allah shower us with infinite happiness and rizq! Amin!

Not forgetting NURAINI MARGONO who act as my shadow for the day (bridesmaid) attending to all my weals n woes (not really that bad isn't it?) superwoman i love u darling! until the end of the time u r still my fav cousin!

Infinite sorry n thanx for fai's family!! thank u for being in such a high spirit coming to Singapore and especially the majlis! thanx for supporting us! and sorry for the long wait during my 2nd session make up which was nearly about 2 hrs! hopefully u had a great time staying in Singapore!

Lastly, thank you to everybody whether u came or not thnx for the supplication, du'a n supports!

Alhamdulillah may our marriage last long until the hoe separates us! Amin

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