Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My oh my..

A friend once asked me this question:
"How's ur wedding preparation is going on?"

I answered back:
"I'll be having a 1 day event.. after my solemnisation in the morning and my walimah is in the afternoon, i'm not going to have a grand-affair with the walimah.. meaning: no dias, no deejay, no music, no 3 tier wedding cake, no 1 whole day event photographer/videographer, i even do not engaged a bridal service for my outfits.. but still the planning is a headache to me n i'm worried.."

That friend was perplexed and made up a mindset out of it "why do everyone that i've asked always reply that they r having a headache thinking about their preparation? it makes me scared to get married"

Dearest friend.. Personally, I'm not worried about how I'm going to look at the event but i'm rather worried about the well-being of my guests to be, what r they going to eat, will it satisfied their taste buds, will the food be sufficient for 1000 pax, and the most important thing is will my future family feel "welcome" during the event.. haha i'm thinking too much.. but i think it is the most must worried thing when u r organizing an event u see...

Rasulullah pbuh once said: "....those who believes in Allah and the hereafter must honour their guests.."

I'm starting a new life here.. new life means i really wants the best from the start, the doa, prayers from my guests.. nothing can be more beautiful when a person is willingly supplicate for our future happiness.. ok... I am thinking too much..

But it's still a fact that we should consider.. don't u think?

As for the not so big things in the preparation process are listed below huhu..

1. Bridal outfit: my nikah outfit is still "under construction", simple beads n laces which were asked to be sewn on it, will be ongoing their final touches by luvly MIRA latest on 27th nov, 2nd outfit done. But i've not yet searching for tudung that compliments the outfit. I will start hunting for it once i collected my nikah's outfit in late nov. Check out mira's fotopages..

Mr fiance's outfits: he said both of the outfit were done but not yet collected. (I entrusted him for the design).

2. Bridal makeup & accessories : By nana yusuf, wonderful make up artist, who works freelance under RH Bridal. I just love RH's subtle makeup look, very natural, no strong colours.

3. Photographer: No 1 whole day coverage.. just 4 hours tagging in the event, 2 hours during the solemnisation n another 2 more hours outdoor photoshooting at pasir ris beach.. simple n not so tiring, plus the photographer is a lady, so i'm not so shy hehe.. she just gave birth last oct, I'm hoping Finah n her baby are healthy.

4. Fiance's family temporary home in Singapore: I've paid full amount at Costa Sands Resort (pasir ris), book 3 units of chalet which is 2 premier rooms, 1 studio room. Hope can fit all the family members which the exact total numbers of people are still not confirmed yet by Mr Fiance.

5. Bridal room deco: Met up with the couple who own this bussiness, booked their service, paid the deposit, they will be coming to doll up my small, cozy room a week before the event. I'm really glad n fortunate to have their involvement in my event.. popular n busy couple they are..RS Anggun.. as anggun as the couple;)

6. Invitation cards: Done by parents, 1 of my colleagues said it look more like "kad raya" haha.. my parents engaged persona gallery service at angsana plaza johor bahru.

7. Wedding favours(berkat): Parent is in charged for the adults' berkat, i guess they have already confirmed to give out hard-boiled chicken eggs.. that means no more quail eggs or telur pindang "arguments" anymore hehe mummy is done with egg boxes, have not ordered the raw eggs supplier yet.. For the little guest, i'm giving them OREO cookies, bought them already.

8. Home makeover: I bought curtains and decorative-cloth material set to cover above the TV set.. This is to arise the glowing effect of the house hehe.. theme colour is gold and cream, chose by First lady of the house, my mummy.

9. Gifts n gift trays: will use my late grandmummy's trays (i miss her).. for the gifts everything is ready except for sireh dara (mum insisted on having it), wedding cake (will order from secret recipe), decorative flowers (will use fresh flowers: yellow n white orchids, a touch of Singapore hehe and cheap sumore! 80 cents per stem, haha y squander over little things?).. i bought him: a ring, fossil watch, G2000 long-sleeved office shirt with neck-tie, G2000 short sleeved olive shirt, long bussiness pants, belt and wallet set by palmer, bodyshop facial care set and.. that's all.. thinking of buying religious books, something that will be a reminder for him in the future.. hmm "effects of hormones changing in pregnant mothers"?? the responsibilities behind polygamy?? interesting topics haha dunno what to decide..

10. Kadi, wali, 2 witnesses, registering for nikah: confirmed!! Finally! Kadi will be arriving at 9:45am on the 20th dec 2009 , told my makeup artist already, Mr fiance and my camera women is still in the dark, will "light" them up in this couple of days :)

The peak of the event (after the akad nikah) (catering): daddy dearest personally picked dollah botak's catering, popular for their nasi beriyani but mummy n i am not satisfied with their package.. little food but yet expensive.. i understand daddy wants the best for the guest, so mummy and aunties decided to whip up some dishes for saturday nite and order more desserts for sunday.. poor mummy.. Hate that Dollah botak! whoops!! can not do.. must change! i'm starting a new life ahead..

And that's how the preparations had been going.. to organize this event for just 1 day its a headache tho.. Let's just watch and see for the real event to take place..

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