Thursday, July 16, 2009

Friday ~ cooking day!

Yess! that's right!

Friday is cooking day for me!

As for today's menu is...

black pepper beef & fried french beans (kacang buncis)

sound deliciouso rite?

I cooked them becoz it's one of my favourite dishes

Once i tried to whip up a black pepper dish using chicken during my university days in Egypt, it doesn't turn out well..

This time i try again and tadaa~

perfecto! delicious indeed! hehe~

Here's the recipe for my version of black pepper beef~

500 gm of beef (thinly sliced)
2 tbs of black pepper (grounded)
3 tbs of honey
3 tbs of sweet soy sauce
2 tbs of oyster sauce
6 cloves of garlic (poundered)
1 inch of ginger ( poundered)
3 tbs concoction of corn flour and water
1 onion (roundly sliced)
1 tomato
oil for cooking


1. Marinate the beef with black pepper, honey & sweet soy sauce.

2. Chill the marinated beef in the fridge for 1 hour.

3. Heat the oil in the pot, saute poundered garlic and ginger in the oil until the aroma arised.

4. Put the marinated beef in the pot, stir it until it's half cooked.

5. Add concoction of corn flour, oyster sauce, quarterly chopped tomato & onion. stir until the

beef is evenly cooked.

6. Stir until the beef is tender cooked for about 15- 20 mins.

Enjoy cooking & eating! :)

Monday, July 13, 2009


Haha some crazy pic with my colleagues

It's been a long time since i last update this blog.

What's up?

Woah.. i have been chosen to attend entreprenuership course organize by my workplace.

Yeah it's good! i've long wanted to start a biz.

But somehow, never came across my mind that starting a biz is really this scary.

Yes scary.. that's the perfect word for it..

Throughout the course my heart raced fast, i had goosebumps all over my body, it was a spine chilling moments.

Knowing that starting a bussiness is a whole lots of effort and work, made me feel that i would not dare to linger the thoughts of quitting my job after the marriage..

Ataining the revenue & smelling the ka-chingg is simply the sweetest moments people want to be in in this life, never thought there were a lot of bitter expenses n loosing ur capital throughout the journey..

Afterall, this is only the beginning of the course, lo & behold by joining this course, we were already signed up to set up a REAL biz that have been included in the course work.. huhu mama.. i'm scared.

Oh Allah may i have the sufficient strenghts & money until the end of this course!! i'm going to get married!!! please don't let this biz touched my savings that i have saved for my wedding!! haha